Sunday, December 30, 2012





I see my reflection
in my eyes..
i see my world
tilted like the axis
of earth
i see my reflection
in my own fingers
fighting a world
which waits for my tears..
I turn unhurt in hurt lockers..

Friday, December 21, 2012


Against the thick blankness
pictures, portraits, laurels
i removed all from my wall.
Strings of my veena turned sober,
my mind turned numb
There hangs a destiny
which i want to slice
in many tiny fragments..

When i opened my eyes

December offered me a tear drop 
which  submerged in the ocean
 of my origin

ike a rain drop...    

Monday, December 17, 2012


In  syllables, 
semicolons and  symbols,
my conscience refused
to die..
From decorated coffins
my dreams i pulled back
nestled there a shadow
very close to my royal oak table
Eras turned silent

in dark mountain caves..
ahead of shadows and dreams
i walked from my garden
to one autumn in earthen

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12th DECEMBER 2O12

I have lost a feeling
and a belief on faces...
i stood in between
fighting shadows.... 
From one calendar
For  my life, I wrote
for the day,
for eleven sea shells..
I wrote  on 12/12/2012
there remained a December Star
Witnessing me deleting
the last quote of the day..
I walked past seasons
and the changed sea shores 
of eastern oceans
I wait for none,
not even for my destiny..
like a poem, like a feather
i wrote on the day's last quarter....

Sunday, December 9, 2012

( By Rema Prasanna Pisharody)
December 10, 2012


It is true that I watched
a sunset and its  silent anger 

darkened the horizon 
from a giant 
mountain peak... 

From the sunset point
someone struggled to lift
a plastic coated wrong
to one paradise isle but failed..

Never knew before

that a sunset could conspire
behind the horizon in
shadows and shades..

Saturday, December 8, 2012


From the weighing scales of Time
let me take back my Tulsi Leaves
In my sandalwood garden
to my surprise the entire wealth
of a western ghat river turned
too weightless against
a single leaf of
Ocimum Tenuiflorum..

From behind
Events tied me and I could
Not hold back
My words nor silence..
I walked along with
The fragrance of sandalwood
Trees holding a tulsi  leaf in my hand..

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Never again in my life i fall short of words
nor silence
where shadows climb upwards
to the outgrown mountain branches..
Never again in my life i fall short of seasons
that in the fireplace i find
days shedding teardrops and my heartbeats
i find not an answer why i encountered
fiercely grown banyan shadows
in my past..

Monday, December 3, 2012


Images are bright in green
from the nature's canvas
where on the story field
of wars, soldiers march past
ahead of my eastern shore
with a Carnegiea Gigantea
and a placard of worn out love...
In my heartbeats, December
brought back autumn tints
and in memories, past re winded
forgone seasons..
From the dried up teardrops
what story December wants in return..
even I don't know...